CELPIP tutoring

CELPIP Tutoring – ESL for PR, Citizenship, and Professional Designation

English is a tricky language to learn: it’s or its; which or witch; there, their, or they’re… Combine that with all the slang we Canadians like to use—nothin’ like findin’ a couple loonies in the chesterfield while sippin’ a double-double, eh, bud?—and it’s even more overwhelming! Fortunately, there are Canadian ESL tutors who offer CELPIP tutoring to make everything easier.

CELPIP tutoring EnglishWhat Is CELPIP?

The Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) test is an assessment that measures an individual’s ability to read, write, speak, and comprehend English as a second language. It is officially recognized by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for applications for permanent residence (PR), citizenship, and professional designation. Those who note English as a second language on their application for PR, citizenship, or professional designation will need to take the CELPIP test before their application is accepted.

The CELPIP test evaluates test-takers by giving them practical, everyday scenarios they are likely to encounter in their personal and professional life in Canada. As such, the test is a good approximation of an individual’s overall English ability. After taking the test, participants receive a score from 0 to 12, corresponding with the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) for people speaking English as a second language.

There are two versions of the test: CELPIP – General and CELPIP – General LS. The similarities and differences can be found below.

CELPIP – General CELPIP – General LS
For PR applications and professional designation For citizenship applications and professional designation
Can be taken in many different countries Must be taken in Canada
Takes about 3 hours Takes about 1 hour
Tests listening, reading, writing, and speaking Tests listening and speaking


If you’re curious what the test is like, you can take a practice CELPIP test to find out!

Do I Have to Take the CELPIP Test?

If you’re hoping to immigrate to Canada and your first language is something other than English or French, you will need to take an approved language test to demonstrate your proficiency in English or French.

If you wish to demonstrate English-language proficiency, the CELPIP test is great because it is certified by the Canadian government and focuses on Canadian English, including Canadian accents, as opposed to American, Australian, or British English. The other certified English tests are the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test and the Pearson Test of English (PTE) Core test. The IELTS test, however, does not feature Canadian English exclusively, so CELPIP is recommended for life in Canada.

If you would rather demonstrate French language proficiency, you can instead take the Test d’évaluation de français (TEF) or the Test de connaissance du français (TCF). In this case, we also have certified French tutors, so we’ve got you covered!

CELPIP tutoring confidenceTwisted CELPIP Tutoring

At Tutoring…With A Twist*, we understand how important it is to pass the CELPIP test. Our twisted ESL tutors are CELTA and TEFL certified and are excited to help you learn all the nuances of the English language. We’ll design you a personalized education plan and teach you in a way that works uniquely for you. As you make progress, we’ll assess your skills and give you feedback along the way, ensuring that you’re always on the right track. With our twisted CELPIP tutoring, you and your family will feel comfortable reading, writing, listening to, and speaking in Canadian English—it’s all part of our twisted guarantee!

If you’re ready to start preparing for the CELPIP test, we’d love to hear from you. Reach out today and we’ll get started on your plan for success!

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*Services provided by With a Twist Education Ltd.

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