Grade 2 Resources

Here are the resources we recommend for students in Grade 2:


This is the Math resource we recommend:

Canadian Curriculum Mathsmart 2: A Concise Grade 2 Math Workbook Packed With Practice, Explanations, And TipsCanadian Curriculum Mathsmart 2

Interactive workbook that makes math fun for kids. Easy to learn and easy to teach.

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Here is our recommended English resource:

Popular Complete Smart Series: Complete Englishsmart (new Edition) Grade 2: Canadian Curriculum English WorkbookComplete Englishsmart Grade 2

A workbook designed to teach students the essentials of reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary. Comes with online resources to strengthen understanding.
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Here are our recommended French resources:

French Ages 5-7: New edition (Collins Easy Learning KS1)French Ages 5-7: New edition (Collins Easy Learning KS1)

Fun, interactive workbook with lots of support for parents, even those who don’t speak French themselves.

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French Ages 7-9 (Collins Easy Learning KS2)French Ages 7-9 (Collins Easy Learning KS2)

Colourful, easy-to-use workbook with a variety of words, phrases, and activities. A great way to build confidence in students.

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Social Studies

Here are our recommended Social Studies resources:

Ancient Civilizations: Aztecs, Maya, Incas!: With 25 Social Studies Projects For KidsAncient Civilizations: Aztecs, Maya, Incas!

Fun book suited for ages 7-10 filled with tons of fascinating information. Comes complete with 25 hands-on projects for kids to do.

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Ancient Civilizations: Greeks!: With 25 Social Studies Projects For KidsAncient Civilizations: Greeks!

Another installment in the Ancient Civilizations series. Lots of interesting facts to teach students about how the Greeks lived with another 25 interactive projects to keep the kids engaged.

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Ancient Civilizations: Romans!: With 25 Social Studies Projects For KidsAncient Civilizations: Romans!

The third book in the Ancient Civilizations series. Students will learn about the lives of the Romans and how they paved the way for modern civilization. Again, kids will enjoy working through 25 engaging projects to aid their learning.

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The Kids Book of Canadian HistoryThe Kids Book of Canadian History

Great book for learning a wide variety of Canada’s history. Mostly suitable for younger kids, but older kids might gather new insights as well.

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Maps Activity BookMaps Activity Book

A fun and interactive way for kids to learn about geography. Complete with plenty of activities to help students travel the world and learn about different cultures and environments.

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Here is our recommended Science resource:

Complete Sciencesmart 1-2: Canadian Curriculum Science Workbook For Grades 1 And 2

Complete Sciencesmart 1-2

A perfect introduction to the world of science. Students can learn all about living things, matter, and space. Covers enough material to keep kids busy through grades 1 and 2.

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All subjects

We recommend this resource for multiple subjects:

Complete Canadian Curriculum 2 (revised & Updated): A Grade 2 Integrated Workbook Covering Math, English, Social Studies, And ScieComplete Canadian Curriculum 2

The entire Canadian Curriculum in one neat little package. Colourful graphics and meaningful activities keep students engaged and make learning fun.
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