Grade 8 Resources

We have compiled this list of the best Grade 8 resources to help your child succeed in high school!


Here are our top Math resources:

Complete Mathsmart 8: Grade 8Complete Mathsmart 8: Grade 8

Brand new math workbook to be released on April 30. Filled with all the concepts students need to learn before going into grade 9. Comes complete with additional online content to boost math skills even further. Pre-order today!

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Popular Complete Smart Series: Advanced Complete Mathsmart Grade 8: Advance In Math And Build Critical-thinking SkillsPopular Complete Smart Series: Advanced Complete Mathsmart Grade 8: Advance In Math And Build Critical-thinking Skills

MathSmart 8 Advanced: Gives students an opportunity to hone their critical-thinking and word-problem skills. Presents the grade 8 math curriculum in a way that provides a little extra challenge for students who wish to get ahead.

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Here is our top English resource:

Popular Complete Smart Series: Complete Englishsmart (new Edition) Grade 8: Canadian Curriculum English WorkbookPopular Complete Smart Series: Complete Englishsmart (new Edition) Grade 8: Canadian Curriculum English Workbook

A workbook filled with intriguing stories to read and respond to, meaningful grammar exercises, and useful writing techniques. Online resources offer a chance to practice listening skills as well.

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Here is our top French resource:

Frenchsmart 8: Frenchsmart 8Frenchsmart 8

Students can continue to build their French skills with this interactive workbook. Exercises encourage using expressions and modifying sentences to bolster reading, writing, and speaking techniques.

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Here is our recommended Science resource:

Complete Sciencesmart 8: Canadian Curriculum Science Workbook For Grade 8Complete Sciencesmart 8: Canadian Curriculum Science Workbook For Grade 8

A fun workbook covering everything grade 8 students need to know about science (and more!) with lots of cool experiments to keep things interesting.

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All Subjects

Here is our recommended multi-subject resource for Grade 8 students:

Complete Canadian Curriculum 8 (revised & Updated): A Grade 8 Integrated Workbook Covering Math, English, History, Geography, AndComplete Canadian Curriculum 8 (revised & Updated): A Grade 8 Integrated Workbook Covering Math, English, History, Geography, And Science

Complete Canadian Curriculum 8: Comprehensive workbook that does a great job of covering everything in the Canadian curriculum. Intuitive activities make it easy for students and parents to follow along.

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