Using Media Effectively…



In our house, we have some pretty tight restrictions around media. For instance, our children have to do something active to earn their media time. And then once it’s earned, they only get an hour of media on weekdays. And on Sundays, it’s a no-media day.

So, anytime I see an opportunity where I can combine one of their passions, which is media, with one of mine, which is education, I jump on it!

In this case, I have found excellent examples of how we can use media to further the education of our children. These links might not be applicable to where your child is at in their education at this moment in time. I invite you to use the thought behind why something was chosen to help your child find something that is applicable to them!

And, if kids are already spending time on media, why not make it educationally relevant?!

Watch Educational Videos at Home & then do “Homework” in Class

There is a school that has the students assigned videos to watch at home as their homework. The videos contain the information that will be discussed the next day in class, as well as that will be assigned work on! I LOVE this idea. It captures every learning style!

In tutoring, we have had our students watch YouTube videos on concepts they don’t understand. By them previewing these videos before the tutoring session, they’ve had a chance to assimilate the information. Think of it like marketing, how many times do we need to see/hear a message before it sticks?! Why not do this with education?!

Read more here:

Minecraft…Used for Molecular Chemistry, Creative Writing, Quantum Physics and City Planning

How many of you have heard of Minecraft?! Did you know that kids can glean amazing facts from playing it?! If not, you’ve heard it here first!

Read these articles and see how you can start applying this in your home and/or in your child’s classroom.

Read more here:

Go to MindecraftEdu here:


Review the Alphabet with Minecraft & Somebody That I Used To Know Tune

Have a child that needs to learn the alphabet or review it?! Enjoy!