Giving the Gift of Confidence…

“A year from now you may wish you had started today.” The Gift of Confidence, Resiliency & Empowerment While some kids expect money or toys for their graduation, the gift of confidence, resiliency & empowerment will be remembered long after the money has been blown through or their toy has broken. Adding a non-toy gift to your gift line-up can help ensure …

Building Effective Parent-Teacher Relationships…

And Never Worry About Marks Again By Amber Scotchburn, author of Parenting … With A Twist Did you know that students whose parents are involved in their school have fewer behavioral problems and perform better academically?  Did you know that positive parent-teacher interactions positively affect teachers’ self-perception and job satisfaction? Now that you know, here are seven things teachers and parents can do …

Life Hacks to Getting Straight “A’s” in School & In Life

Five Life Hacks to Getting Straight “A’s” in School & in Life 1. Set a S.M.A.R.T. GOAL for the semester: Helping your child set a GOAL helps your child understand that results are only going to come with action. Using the S.M.A.R.T. method of goal setting will help you create a goal with your child that is unique to them. …

back to school

Top 6 Back to School Tips

Are you ready for back to school? If not, no worries! Whether your kid is moving up to high school or starting their first day of kindergarten, it’s natural to feel anxiety about going back to school, both as a parent and a child. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to make things easier for everyone. To help out, we’ve …

18 summers in childhood

There Are Only 18 Summers in Childhood…

Back To School Yes, it’s true, most stores are advertising for “Back To School” now, and even we have been guilty of creating “Back To School” posts! #sorrynotsorry But there is still plenty of summer left, so we thought it would be nice to try to make the most of it. People tend to exhibit the deterioration of skills after …

Top 5 Tips for Starting Kindergarten on the Right Foot

Our founder, Amber Scotchburn, wrote a guest post on Maman Loup’s Blog as her child was starting kindergarten and she wasn’t sure what to do! Read more about how to help your child start their schooling adventure on the right foot! Click on the image to get to the blog post!

Parent-Teacher Conference Questions

Help With Understanding Homework & Marks! Show of hands for how many parents say to their children “Just Do It” in relation to homework. Show of hands for how many families have controversy at homework time because the kids aren’t “Just Doing It”! To better understand what your child needs to do in order to be successfully completing their homework, …

Lunch Box Blues

Are lunches are a major source of arguments, worry, stress or heartache in your house? Lunch Funnies Friday’s lunch is a collection of all the scraps that my child hasn’t eaten from the last week. My child was jealous about other kids getting notes in their lunches, so I put one in his: “Sorry, I ate your pudding. Love, Mom.” “Kids, do you …