How to Read a Report Card…

 How to Read a Report Card & Not Judge or Compare Our Kids…No Matter What Grade! An A is great for certain kids, but for some kids a B is amazing. How do we help our kids to not judge themselves compared to others? Let me demystify grades for you! Our children’s worth in school is evaluated against preset standards …

Making Summer Count

Summer Learning Loss Individuals, regardless of background, age, or aptitude, exhibit deterioration of skills after prolonged periods of inactivity of the skill. Research from the mid-1950s to the present consistently confirms this idea. Depending on the task, level of initial proficiency, and duration of inactivity, human beings forget skills and knowledge over time.  In terms of summer breaks from school, …

Learning & Physical Activity

Learning and Physical Activity Every day we hear how we, and our children, need to be more physically active. The  Canadian Physical Activity Guide (CPAC) suggests that children need to accumulate at least 60 minutes of activity each day. They should also participate in vigorous activity and strengthening activities at least three days per week each. (   This can …

Why not teach to the Test…

When I graduated from my Bachelor of Social Work and knew that profession wasn’t for me a natural leap was into teaching as the four years of communication skills and relating to people would make me a perfect candidate for a teacher…right?! I’ve always taught my students first, rather than the curriculum from the very moment I entered my first …

The Twist…explained :)!

  Let’s sum up the Twist, in Tutoring…With A Twist like this!We treat every child we meet like this iceberg. We don’t only work with what we see on the surface, we dig digger and unravel all the layers. It’s what makes The Twist so unique but it’s also what has our tutors so passionate about the work that they …

Using Media Effectively…

  In our house, we have some pretty tight restrictions around media. For instance, our children have to do something active to earn their media time. And then once it’s earned, they only get an hour of media on weekdays. And on Sundays, it’s a no-media day. So, anytime I see an opportunity where I can combine one of their …

Life Skills: Engagement & Passion!

  Imagine if everybody replaced judgement with love. At Tutoring…With A Twist*, we meet every client where they are at and re-engage their passion for learning through that! ps=As an adult, this works for me too…just sayin! *Services provided by With a Twist Education Ltd.  

Passion & Education!

    Does your child like horseback riding?! Does your child not like math as much they like horseback riding?! At Tutoring…With A Twist​* we want our learners to feel engaged in the subjects they are taking and we do this by connecting it to their life’s passions! See this link between horseback riding & math :)! *Services provided …

Just Say No!

Does Your Child Know How to Say No…with confidence, ease and even some humour thrown in ;)?! Think about it… Our society is set up to teach children to be people pleasers…to say yes to their parents, teachers, and other people of authority. And then we even go so far as to label a child as a trouble maker when …