auditory learner

How to Succeed as an Auditory Learner

Imagine a school where you don’t have to take notes and you get to explain your understanding out loud every time you learn something new. In this school, completing homework just means you have to listen to a few songs before bed. And instead of composing essays, you can have a verbal discussion about the essay topic without writing a single word. If the thought of this school sounds like music to your mind’s ear, you’re probably an auditory learner.

Auditory is one of the main learning styles. Auditory learners thrive when they’re presented with information orally, especially if they have a chance to talk it out in their own words to confirm their understanding. Of course, certain subjects are difficult to tackle in an audio-only manner (try doing long division out loud!), so it’s important to look at other approaches to learning as well. Still, auditory learners will happily take all the verbal learning they can get their ears on.

Auditory Learner Superpowersauditory learner skills

If you’re an auditory learner, chances are you excel at the following:

  • Memorizing song lyrics (and singing them too!)
  • Telling stories and giving oral presentations
  • Following verbal instructions
  • Explaining yourself
  • Quoting your favourite movies

Auditory learners are amazing, and the above skills are a major benefit when it comes to learning new things, both in the classroom and elsewhere. Walk tall, auditory learner!

Auditory Learner Strategies

As an auditory learner, the traditional school setting suits you well. Teachers provide a lot of information orally, and class discussion is becoming an increasingly prevalent component of curricula. Regardless, it’s always nice to develop your learning style even further. Try some of the following:

  • Raise your hand and ask questions often; make sure you can put the concept in your own words
  • If you have to read a book for school, try reading out loud, and try to find an audiobook version to listen to in addition to your reading (check out our selection of free audiobooks on YouTube!)
  • Use music to more easily remember things (example: the taxonomy song)
  • Record yourself dictating your notes, and listen to the recording to help you study
  • Get help from a classmate or a parent to verbally quiz you in preparation for tests

These are just a few ways to cater to your auditory learning style, and there are many more. Feel free to experiment and try new things! Keep in mind that auditory learning doesn’t only mean listening, but speaking too. Make sure to talk lots as you’re learning—your brain likes it!

The Pen is Mightier than the Sword, but not the (S)poken (word)auditory learner learning style

At school, the teacher is there for a reason. Without a teacher, students would be going to school to copy down notes all day, and that would be pointless because they could do that from home with a textbook. But we know that’s not a very effective way to learn, especially for auditory learners. So, as an auditory learner, your best bet is to put the pen aside and listen to what the teacher is saying.

Most teachers talk about the subject at hand while presenting students with notes to write, and it’s difficult for students to give their full attention to both. Auditory learners can make the most of the situation by focusing on listening to the teacher and engaging them with questions. Don’t spend too much time writing things down—you’re more likely to hold on to things you say out loud. Of course, you’ll want to write down a portion of the notes in full if the teacher tells you that exact thing will be on the test. But, in general, connecting with the teacher and putting everything in your own words will help you find success.

Don’t get us wrong—writing notes is still important! However, writing all the notes is counterproductive for auditory learners. You’re better off writing down the key concepts of a lesson in shorthand. Make use of point-form notes, symbols, and meaningful mnemonics (memory aids) that will help you remember the crucial bits. Then, you can expand upon those notes at home by explaining your understanding to yourself, your parents, your siblings, your dog, and even your stuffed animal! As long as you’re talking about what you learned about, you’re doing your brain a great service. Tell the whole world, auditory learner!

Try the Other Learning Stylesauditory learner student

If auditory is your preferred learning style, it doesn’t mean it’s your only learning style. Everyone is capable of learning in many ways, and multimodal learning can take your comprehension to the next level. Try some of the strategies that work for the other learning styles and create a truly personalized learning experience.

Auditory techniques are great for remembering things and presenting information orally, but they won’t help too much when you have to be silent, like when you’re writing a test. Situations such as these highlight the necessity of developing your other learning styles to make you a well-rounded student. Once you get comfortable with your visual, read/write, and kinesthetic skills, you’ll have the confidence to tackle anything that school (and life) can throw at you.

Take Your Skills Beyond the Classroom

At Tutoring…With a Twist*, we believe in learning for life. Our twisted tutors work with students to develop life skills and habits that will always serve them well, even after graduation. We can help you hone your preferred learning style(s) and get comfortable with the others so you’re ready for anything, all while building transferable skills to last a lifetime. Contact us for more information today!

*Services provided by With a Twist Education Ltd.

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