The most significant reason to choose Tutoring…With A Twist* is to guarantee success beyond the classroom. This is done through the creation of an Individualized Twisted Tutoring Plan designed to help your child:
- enhance skills which are crucial to his/her everyday life;
- advance in core subjects;
- increase communication skills and improve self-discipline;
- invest in themselves & develop self-motivation;
- reap the rewards of developing organizational & planning skills.

Tutoring…With A Twist* offers a unique multi-faceted program including:
- Advancement in Academic Subjects
- Enhancement of Life Skills
- A Collaborative Team Approach
- Individualized Twisted Tutoring Plan
- BC Certified Team of Teachers
- Guaranteed Success Beyond the Classroom
The key aspect of the “Twist” part of our programming is that not only will our Twisted Learners walk away more proficient in the academic subject identified by them, but also in a pre-determined life skill. Life skills can easily be overlooked while mastering content. A Twisted Learner may simply need to learn how to raise their hand to ask a question in class! How wonderful would it be to learn to ask for what you need at an early age!
Traditionally tutoring is looked at sitting down with a student’s homework and/or giving student, regardless of who they are, the same worksheets to increase their competence in a particular area. We believe that is a band-aid solution, meaning that it will help in the moment but not for life. As well, each Twisted Learner we tutor has an individualized program made just for them, not just homework-help or pre-made worksheets!
Our hope is that our Twisted Learners are so proficient by the time they leave us (not only the academic area but also in the life skill area) that they should not need to return. Yes, we are suggesting that we are working ourselves out of a job!
Our one-on-one tutoring service allows for our tutors to come to your house, meet you at the local public library or even come to your previously booked extra-curricular activity!
The “Twist” in Tutoring….With A Twist* is a short term solution with long terms results that guarantees success beyond the classroom!
Choose The Twist today! Call us at 1-866-977-4433 or fill out our detailed form online!
*Services provided by With a Twist Education Ltd.