“The Twist” in our Tutoring…With A Twist* name means that we offer more than just what one might think of as tutoring. You may perhaps think of tutoring as sitting down with a teacher working on worksheets. Although that could compromise some of your time with us, we like to work on other skills: Life Skills! You may have heard …
Love of Learning: Math Humour!
Stay tuned to our Love of Learning posts this month but for now some Math Humour!
School to Summer Transition!
Transitioning from School to Summer! School is almost at the end, do you have any tips on how to transition my kids from school to summer? Yes! Here are five tips! 1. Routines: Choose a routine you are willing to bend on, and keep the others fairly close to the school year. Routines such as morning routine, evening routine, bedtime routine. …
What it Means to be a Visual Learner
When you’re explaining something, do you often wish you could draw a picture to show people what you mean? How about when someone is explaining something to you? Do you like to use symbols instead of words to help you remember things? When it’s time to take notes, do you find yourself doodling instead? If any of these sound like …
Strike & Your Child’s Report Card
It appears the strike action may be ongoing into the summer; in the meantime, for report cards…Report CardsGrades K-9The strike action will NOT allow for the completion and distribution of report cards for students in Grades K through 9. The assessment information that we need in order to produce report cards is not consistently available due to the strike, nor …
Strike to Start NEXT WEEK…
B.C. teachers strike to start next week First 4 days of rotating strikes will run May 26 until May 29. Mike Laanela CBC News Posted:May 20, 2014 7:52 AM PT Last Updated:May 20, 2014 11:11 AM PT During the last round of failed contract negotiations in 2012, striking teachers in staged a rally against back to work legislation at the legislature. …
Helping Children Educate Themselves
A Path of Their Own: Helping Children Educate Themselves Harbourfront Branch of the Vancouver Island Regional Library on May 20th from 6 to 7:30 pm. Interested in homeschooling? Local author Lael Whitehead discusses how she removed her children from the traditional school system and guided them on a path of self education and self-directed learning. Lael will be reading from …
School District 68…
May 7, 2014 Dear Parents/Guardians Re: Field Trips and Special Events during the BCTF Strike Action There are a wide variety of field trip activities taking place in schools in the next eight weeks, as well as special year-end school events such as graduation ceremonies and awards nights. I am writing to let you know that it is possible that …
Stage 1 Job Action
Stage 1 Job Action starts today, Wednesday, April 23, 2014. During Stage 1 Job Action teachers will not: Undertake any mandated supervision of students outside of regularly scheduled classes, except as set out by an essential services order. Attend any meetings with management other than meetings of the worksite Joint Health and Safety Committee. Provide principals or administrators with any …
Welcome :)!
At Tutoring…With A Twist* it is important for us to stay current and interact with our clientele. Our Blog gives us the opportunity to do both. Key education related issues are discussed. There is always an opportunity to comment or pose a question of your own on the subject. We really encourage parents and children alike to stay connected with us …