How French Immersion Tutoring Helps Students Thrive In School And Life

french immersion tutoring student

French Immersion tutoring may be the solution your child needs to succeed and flourish academically and emotionally this year. While French immersion is an asset for many students, learning the academic curriculum in a second language can be very challenging. 

Your child may be a math whiz, but perhaps is now struggling to learn the names of all the numbers in French. Maybe your son or daughter loves to write but is ultimately finding it difficult to incorporate adequate details in their writing in French. There may be multiple reasons as to why a child is struggling in French immersion, the good news is there are also many solutions.

Struggling with French Immersion

When students are struggling with learning, they are not having fun. This may be one of the very reasons why, along with frustration and low confidence levels, many students do not continue with French immersion programs past sixth grade. If you notice that your child is struggling in any area(s) of French immersion, do not give up, your child’s path to success may just look a little different!

Possible French Immersion Tutoring Solutions

While that pass to success may be ever-winding, some possible solutions to helping struggling French immersion through tutoring may include:

1. Find the right tutor

With all aspects of tutoring and particularly with learning something new and/or unfamiliar like French immersion, it is critical for the student to feel comfortable in their learning environment. With a well-matched and engaging tutor, students will feel more likely to ask questions, take risks, and enjoy their learning.

2. Help calm anxiety

Anxiety in children is at an all-time high, and there is a multitude of factors that contribute to school anxiety. When a student is in a high-stress, anxious state, it can be nearly impossible for them to learn effectively. Therefore, a tutor must help students feel at ease, while also giving them strategies and tools for academic success to help alleviate anxiety.

3. Make learning fun

When tutoring and learning don’t feel like work, that is when the fun begins! An excellent tutor can make your child’s learning experience both fun and informative while they learn the skills needed for success. Additionally, learning can be tailored to your child’s learning style(s) whether they are a kinesthetic learner who learns best through motion and hands-on activities, an auditory learner who might best remember French vocabulary through a song, or anything in between.

Benefits of French Immersion Tutoring

french tutoring student

When being paired with a great tutor is combined with a student’s willingness to learn, and is then mixed with positivity from all members of the student’s team, great things are going to happen! The key benefits of French immersion tutoring include:

  • Improving valuable life skills by utilizing and building on the skills that your child already has.
  • Developing study skills and work ethic by developing consistent routines.
  • Growing self-confidence by encouraging learners each step of the way, by celebrating achievements and learning from “miss takes”, to develop a growth mindset.
  • Recognizing that health and happiness are key components to learning.
  • Improved grades through one-on-one tailored instruction and practice.

How “The Twist” Can Help!

Tutoring …with a Twist* can help your child overcome any obstacles that are preventing them from experiencing success in French immersion by pairing them with a well-matched French tutor. 

The Twist’s French tutors bring a wealth of knowledge and experience with teaching the French language and can help your child gain confidence and greater understanding in the skills of reading, writing, speaking, grammar, and vocabulary. 

While striving for academic success, our tutors also see the value of emotional success and will take the time to learn all about your child and their learning style, while also developing critical time management and emotional skills to help meet short- and long-term goals.

If “the twist” sounds like the right path for you and your child on their French immersion journey, please contact us to get started. We would love to meet you!

It’s important to have the right tools for the job. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the best education materials for all subjects and grade levels. Check them out and get ahead!

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*Services provided by With a Twist Education Ltd.

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