Zoom Tips for Successful Tutoring Sessions

We’re back with a few more Zoom tips and tricks to help you make the most of online tutoring! These Zoom tips will make life easier for both students and tutors alike. Give them a try today! 1. Work Together with File-sharing Programs One challenge of tutoring over Zoom is that the tutor and student aren’t physically in the same …

algebra tutor

Finding the Right Algebra Tutor… It’s Easier than Finding X!

In simple terms, algebra is the art of finding X. So, what the heck is X? Well, it depends, and you’ll need some solid algebra skills to find out. Students are introduced to algebra as early as grade 3 in some cases (although the teachers might not call it algebra at that point), and it only gets more difficult at …

tutoring doesn't work

What Can You Do if Tutoring Doesn’t Work?

Tutoring is supposed to help students excel in their studies, and it almost always succeeds. However, sometimes tutoring doesn’t work. Before we start pointing fingers, it’s worth mentioning that it’s not the end of the world. There are many reasons why tutoring might not work, and there are solutions for each. If Tutoring Doesn’t Work, Here’s Why A rewarding tutoring …

difficult student

What’s the Best Way to Handle a Difficult Student?

In a school setting, there is almost always at least one student who seems to make everything difficult. Maybe they refuse to do their work, or maybe they talk so much that no one else can work. Perhaps they argue with the teacher or ignore the teacher altogether. It might even be all of the above! So, how can you …

video call tips

Online Video Call Tips to Help You Stay Focused and Productive

Video calls are becoming a necessity these days, whether they’re used for work, school, or online tutoring. However, staring at a computer screen for hours can be exhausting—a phenomenon known as Zoom fatigue. Fortunately, there are ways to combat Zoom fatigue. Check out our tutor-approved video call tips to help you stay focused and make the most of your screen …

tutoring vs teaching

Tutoring vs Teaching: Is There Any Difference?

The tutoring vs teaching distinction can be tough to define. Teachers and tutors both do great things, but their settings and purposes are different. It’s like trying to prune a rosebush with a chainsaw—it’ll probably work, but there’s a more suitable tool for the job. A teacher needs to appeal to a group, while a tutor needs to appeal to …

tutoring for kids

Tutoring for Kids – How to Match Your Child with the Perfect Tutor

Today’s educational landscape encourages tutoring for kids of all ages. It isn’t hard to see why—tutoring has the potential to vastly improve a child’s education experience, given that they work with a high-quality tutor. So, how do you know if a tutor is any good? We’ll show you what to look for in a tutor and help you find a …

calculus tutor

The Importance of Calculus – Should You Hire a Calculus Tutor?

Calculus—an unknown realm for most, a nightmare to some, but intriguing to a few. While students have the option to take calculus in grade 12, many forgo it completely. Is it worth taking calculus in high school? Should you seek the help of a calculus tutor? What the heck is calculus?! We’ll answer each of these questions and more. What …

university applications

Tips for University Applications: Get Accepted to Your Dream School

As this year comes to an end, we can set our sights high for next year and start making preparations. For prospective post-secondary students, those preparations start now. The deadlines for submitting university applications are looming, and that can be a scary thought. With our help, not only will you meet the deadlines, but colleges and universities will be begging …

online math tutoring

How Does Online Math Tutoring Work?

Much of the world has shifted to doing business online, and this is certainly the case with education. Although schools are open, many teachers are operating their classrooms with an online component alongside their in-person instruction. And, while some math tutors are offering in-person sessions, many have switched to online math tutoring. So, how does online math tutoring work? Surely …