homeschool tutoring costs

How Much Does a Homeschool Tutor Cost?

Since the advent of cross-enrolment, the homeschooling experience has changed drastically. Many students are engaged in their own brand of hybrid schooling, choosing to supplement their in-person lessons with online courses on the side. The traditional full-time homeschooling approach also works wonders, especially when enriched with the guidance of a homeschool tutor. But how much can you expect to pay …

standardized testing debate

Your Child Isn’t Failing, the System Is – Standardized Testing Debate

As curricula undergo continual changes and improvements, standardized tests remain a staple of the current education model. We persist in issuing these tests, even though each is like a metre stick thrown into the sea, and we hope to measure the ocean’s depth this way. Data from multiple studies (1990, 2005, 2007) confirm the adverse effects of such an approach …

writing skills for elementary

How to Teach Writing Skills for Elementary Students at Home

Children are, by nature, remarkable storytellers. Once they acquire language, they can and will weave the wildest tales for your listening pleasure. As they haven’t yet had their minds moulded by common trends and tropes in popular stories, it’s impossible to predict what plot twist they will throw at you next. And, if you’re able to write them down, there’s …

high school student for tutoring

Is It Worth Hiring a High School Student for Tutoring?

When hiring a tutor, battles abound! Following your attendance at the skirmish of in-person tutoring vs. online tutoring, should in-person win your favour, yet another choice awaits: in your home, or at the library? As if that were insufficient to cloy your disdain for dilemma, now you must consider how much a tutor costs. If the latter is your chief …

dual credit

Dual Credit Programs – Take Free University Courses During High School

Kids these days are very fortunate—just look at all the educational opportunities they have! There are so many options available, including online schooling, cross-enrolment, and dual credit programs. What Is a Dual Credit Program? Dual credit programs are partnerships between high schools and colleges/universities. They’re designed to help students get a head start in life and achieve their future career …

online tutoring vs in-home tutoring

Online Tutoring or In-Home Tutoring — What’s Best for You?

The way technology has evolved, almost anything is possible online. Embark on a virtual safari, stroll the gilded halls of a famous museum, roleplay as an evil sorcerer and wreak havoc on humankind—you can do it all from the comfort of your own home. What’s more, you can take advantage of that same technology to enjoy the many perks of …

COVID-19 impacted students

How COVID-19 Impacted Students & What You Can Do to Recover

The effects of COVID-19 have been devastating. We’re all familiar with the political and economic turmoil, but the pandemic’s reach is longer still. Let’s not forget that children of all ages have struggled through an overburdened education system for months, the results of which are beginning to be realized. Here’s how COVID-19 impacted students and what you can do to …

prepare for high school

Making the Change: How to Prepare for High School

Multiple classrooms, busy hallways, tougher subjects, more homework… sounds terrifying! And transitioning to high school can be terrifying for both students and parents alike, but the right approach can smooth out the process. Follow these tips to help you and your child prepare for high school. Academic Expectations The amount of work students are expected to do in high school …

prepare for kindergarten

How to Prepare for Kindergarten – Readiness Tips

The first day of kindergarten is a massive deal. All the town’s five-year-olds line up in perfect disorder, backpacks proudly on their shoulders or lying crumpled on the ground a few feet away, each of them embarking on an educational journey that will span the next thirteen years of their life. And you, as a parent, are part of that …

tutoring tax-deductible

Is Your Tutoring Tax Deductible?

When deciding if tutoring is right for you, the question of cost will inevitably arise. We have previously outlined how much a tutor costs, and saving money on that amount would be great. Through Tutoring…With a Twist*, it’s possible to earn free tutoring with our referral program. On top of that, your tutoring might even be tax deductible! Disclaimer: This …