AI in education

AI in Education: The End of Learning as We Know It

Nostalgia concludes that the good ol’ days were superior in almost every measurable way. The cars were cooler, the clothes were more fashionable, and school taught you more than it teaches you today. Well, the first two are debatable, but the third appears to be statistically untrue. Kids today are learning at least as much as, if not more than, …

Amber with a heart monitor for chronic fatigue syndrome

Why I’m Glad I’m a Lifelong Learner – My Life with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Content warning: suicide is mentioned. I’m sure we’ve all seen those memes circulating that suggest learning something like algebra doesn’t help with everyday life. While I believe that not everyone has to take algebra to the highest grade, I like to disagree with the memes’ suggestions that learning algebra has no benefits. We may not find ourselves pulling out an …

why tutoring is bad

Why Tutoring Is Bad for Your Child – Dispelling Common Myths

It is human nature to scrutinize everything, and such scrutiny has been instrumental in developing the modern world. The scientific method demands it. Industry relies on it for optimization. Human rights depend on it. But when the conclusions of scrutiny are premature and unfounded, they become nothing more than myths, such as the myths about why tutoring is bad for …

bored at school

Is Your Child Bored at School? We Can Help!

“I’m bored” is a tricky sentence. It can mean a variety of things and often serves as code for something a little more difficult to articulate. In light of this, it should always be taken seriously, especially if school is the cause. It’s not uncommon to feel bored at school, but school doesn’t have to be boring. Why Is Your …

best tutoring company

Tips to Find the Best Tutoring Company for Your Family

The decision to hire a tutor is a serious one. You want to make sure you’re giving your child the best opportunity to succeed, and that means you, like them, need to do your homework. Finding the best tutoring company isn’t easy, but we have some tips to help. Where to Look Running a simple Google search for tutors near …

what age should a child have tutor

At What Age Should a Child Have a Tutor?

Tutoring makes a massive difference in the lives of many—simply check out our countless testimonials from parents, students, and educators to see how! It would then make sense to get your child set up with a tutor as early as possible. But how young is too young to start tutoring? At what age should a child have a tutor? Our …

How Tutoring Helps Students Thrive in School and Life

Most students seek the help of a tutor when their marks start to slip, seeing them as a golden ticket to good grades. If straight A’s are the goal, a tutor is certain to help them reach it. But an improvement in grades is only one of the ways how tutoring helps students. Achieve the Goals that Matter to You …